瑩記專業提供報價及採購服務,從報價至完成整個採購流程,均由專人全程跟進。您只需填妥並提交下方的查詢表格,我們將盡快提供正式報價單。為確保服務不延誤,請提供公司名稱、聯絡人姓名、電話、電郵及送貨地址。您亦可直接電郵至 cs@yingkee.hk 或致電 5409 0937 查詢報價及採購相關事宜。公營機構、教育團體及 NGO 可於收貨後 30 天內付款。本公司接受滙豐採購卡(P-CARD)付款。
Yingkee Photo specializes in providing quotation and procurement services. From quotation to the completion of the entire procurement process, a dedicated team will follow up every step of the way. Simply fill out and submit the inquiry form below, and we will provide an official quotation as soon as possible. To avoid delays, please provide your company name, contact person’s name, phone number, email, and delivery address. You may also email us at cs@yingkee.hk or call 5409 0937 for inquiries about quotations and procurement. Public institutions, educational organizations, and NGOs can make payments within 30 days of receipt. Our company accepts payment via HSBC Purchasing Card (P-CARD).